November 26, 2010

living a life

lastnite i watch movie " revolutionary road" played by my favourite kate and leonardo. what a sweet story line about life , i think it more to marriage life. but somehow i dunno why i felt related to the character played by kate. too bad i guess when u speed so many years losing touch with ur soul and up making u become a bit lose and going slightly insane :(

wouldn't it be so nice if we could really be exactly who we are. and not have to think for a second about what we're wearing or what we're saying or what we're doing; to be free and just be ourself? well evryones know life isn't like that these days. now we're living in a very judgmental society. life now is about struggle no matter in life or in relantionships.

There is nothing worse than living a life that you feel you shouldn't be living, or feeling trapped, whether it's because of your job or your marrige/relationship- or whatever it may be. everybody needs something to hope for. i think that's what life is about. life is about working through those's to do with you figuring out who you are until you really work out what its means to be happy. for those who havent watch tis movy pls go to the nearest dvd shop get one for urself.

November 25, 2010

My brought forward plan..

in life to get what we want, we must willing to take an honest, even brutal look at what's going on and whats going wrong. agreed?? no? yes? hmm well yeaa its true. and i realise its already end of november. one more month we're entering 2011 bye bye 2010.. and sure the question started to bloom again over and over again for another year. the question is ..taaadddaaa " when r u going to settledown dear?" or " umur u da berapa ni bila nak kahwin? lambat kahwin susah nak dapat anak nanti" see that will be question of the year. meaning i have 2 choices, 1st settle for anyone to avoid being alone but with who? 2nd, endure spells of drought while waiting for prince charming tapi wujudka prince charming?? but i believes people should not settle for second best..hmm susah jugakan.

recently i been going out with a few people but all of them seems too young lar..i dunno u but 28yrs old for guys izzit too young for a charming lady like me :P am 32yrs old by the way. like one of my date say " siti kahdijah kahwin dgn rassullah a.s pun umur dia 40yrs old" eya la kan i baru 32 tua mana la tu. opppsss.

November 15, 2010

Heart Determines

It's ok to kiss a fool,It's ok to let a fool kiss you, but never ever let a kiss fool you.It's still best to wait for the one you want than settle for the one available.Best to wait for the one you love than settle for one who's around.Best to wait for the right one.Life is short to waste on the wrong person.It is better to meet the person who will truly love you later, than meet someone now who promises to love you but sooner or later leave you forever.Never try to impress someone to make him/her fall in love with you.If you do, you will be expected to keep the standard for the rest of your life.Fate determines who comes into our lives. But heart determines who stays!

November 13, 2010


salam. i tak pernah difitnah sebegitu rupa dan sebegitu hina sekali. sedey sangat bila orang menggunakan nama Allah swt dan agama islam untuk menampakkan diri mereka tu "perfect figure". tapi tak ada budi bahasa. cakap ikut sedap mulut saja. sabar saja la.

November 9, 2010

Trip to Tip of Borneo

i spent my holiday visiting tip of borneo, its a breathe taking moment. rasa bila ada sampai memang tak nak balik. we start our journey from kk around 900am reaching there around 12pm. penat jugak driving tapi berbaloi sangat sangat..bila dah sampai kat sana memang terpegun dengan kekuasaan ALLAH SWT yang telah mencipta semua keindahan alam untuk kita. yang penting memang nak pergi sana lagi rasa tak puas. Harap harap lepas ni ada banyak chalet utk penginapan. mesti pemandangan tu indah sekali diawal pagi..hmm cant imagine but 1 day mesti berpeluang untuk menikmati awal pagi di tip of bornoe.

November 4, 2010

medical check up

done my yearly medical check up ths morning. fuh lately banayk kali sangat sakit.insyallah takda apa yang serious.takut juga ni. next wek baru dapat result.

November 1, 2010

jodoh pertemuan rahsia Allah..

kenapa ada pertemuan jika hanya berakhir dengan perpisahan? takpe la, kehidupan mmg macam tu ka. yang muda pasanganya yg muda juga tak kan bersama yang tua. memang tak da yang mustahil tapi perkara tu tak terjadi pada ku jadi memang tak percaya.

kalau muda mmg sanggup,
cuma yang tua nk tunggu yg muda
jadi tua je selalunya tergendala.

mcm baris baris ayat ni sampai sekarang i tak paham apa maksudnya..atau biar je la kan.

its mine..

finally my new baby is arrived unexpectedly..hihihi my oficmate bought for me, goshh so happy
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