lastnite i watch movie " revolutionary road" played by my favourite kate and leonardo. what a sweet story line about life , i think it more to marriage life. but somehow i dunno why i felt related to the character played by kate. too bad i guess when u speed so many years losing touch with ur soul and up making u become a bit lose and going slightly insane :(
wouldn't it be so nice if we could really be exactly who we are. and not have to think for a second about what we're wearing or what we're saying or what we're doing; to be free and just be ourself? well evryones know life isn't like that these days. now we're living in a very judgmental society. life now is about struggle no matter in life or in relantionships.
There is nothing worse than living a life that you feel you shouldn't be living, or feeling trapped, whether it's because of your job or your marrige/relationship- or whatever it may be. everybody needs something to hope for. i think that's what life is about. life is about working through those's to do with you figuring out who you are until you really work out what its means to be happy. for those who havent watch tis movy pls go to the nearest dvd shop get one for urself.