in life to get what we want, we must willing to take an honest, even brutal look at what's going on and whats going wrong. agreed?? no? yes? hmm well yeaa its true. and i realise its already end of november. one more month we're entering 2011 bye bye 2010.. and sure the question started to bloom again over and over again for another year. the question is ..taaadddaaa " when r u going to settledown dear?" or " umur u da berapa ni bila nak kahwin? lambat kahwin susah nak dapat anak nanti" see that will be question of the year. meaning i have 2 choices, 1st settle for anyone to avoid being alone but with who? 2nd, endure spells of drought while waiting for prince charming tapi wujudka prince charming?? but i believes people should not settle for second best..hmm susah jugakan.
recently i been going out with a few people but all of them seems too young lar..i dunno u but 28yrs old for guys izzit too young for a charming lady like me :P am 32yrs old by the way. like one of my date say " siti kahdijah kahwin dgn rassullah a.s pun umur dia 40yrs old" eya la kan i baru 32 tua mana la tu. opppsss.
How to Make Moving with Children Easier
3 hours ago
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