November 5, 2013

Salam maal hijrah 1435H

Alhamdulillah..syukur for everything.. masih diberi peluang untuk terus bernafas dibumi Allah swt ni  semoga tahun baru ni akan lebih bermakna dan akan sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki dan dirahmati Allah swt..amin...

Ins shaAllah tahun ni akan lebih baik dari tahun tahun yang telah berlalu..

September 4, 2013

Misi menncari maid lagi

Assalamualaikum.. bermula lagi misi mencari penganti maid. Maid i yang sekarang ni dah nak resign huhuhu :(
Alasanya nak balik kg.. entah la betul ke tak..wallahu a'lam betul ke tak tau la.. sedey pulak mana lagi nak  cari penganti ni. Cuba korang fikir ahh.. gaji i bayar rm500 berkerja hanya 20 hari . Tu pun extra lagi kalau i cuti dia pun i bagi cuti.. tu tak masuk lagi public holiday. Everyweek balik. Balik pun i hantar dan ambik.. huhhh ada org cakap i ni baik tak bertempat.. yea la kan menghargai dia sebab jaga anak i dgn baik. Kalau soal kerja rumah mmg tak banyak.. pagi kemas rumah tu pun rumah kecik. Basuh kain tu pun machine yg basuh pun kan jus jemur dan lipat jak. Masak pun simple jak pun... kalau i nak bayar lebih lagi berbaloi ke tak??? Hmmm pikir la sendiri..  semoga i dapat cari pengganti yang baik hati..ins shaAllah..

September 3, 2013

10 more days...

counting days.... 10 more days

my Hana Azzalea Masjiril turn 1yr young

mummy love you so much ... 

mengupdate post :p

its been a long time since i updated my blog..semangat je nak berblog tapi update malas.

Anyway macam biasa la picture means a thousand words.

1) 2013 Eid Mubarak
My 2013 Eid Mubarak wit Family

visiting my uncle but look at her takut orang :P

2) 1st attempt

ok ok when i 1st look at tis sugar cookies terus love at the 1st sight. picture ni taken from google

my 1st attempt sugar cookies..hmmm its turn out ok i mean the cookies but the royal icing not so la..
still need alotsa improvement

tis actually red velvet cupcake.. 1st attempt also but turn out my cuppie too dense
sumthing wrong somewhere but i dunno where :P

tis was my 2nd attempt baking red velvet cake using  recipe from here .
cake cukup moist , fluffy , airy and delicious . but just ignore the frosting part OK i still need
to learn how to
sapu the frosting hehehe.. overall my family and frens like it and i am superb happy

to be honest masa mem'baking tu memang la dunia rasa aman, hilang semua stress takde la asyik terpikirkan

perangai my bos yang datang angin kat opis tu. eventho everyday pun nak mengadap dia kan. so start from 

now on i akan membaking so tat my baking skills improve. jelez la tengok org org yg terrer membaking ni. 

at least kalau esok esok tak keja lagi bole buat sumthing wit baking ni kan. amin. rezeki tu rahsia Allah SWT 

yang penting kita buat and cari rezeki kerna Allah SWT.  sekarang ni pun dah masuk September mana tau 

during hana 1yr birthday i can bake sumthing for her kan :D

May 21, 2013

"Practice Makes Perfect"

Hi, i managed to sew black and white strips tunic & short for hana last week saturday. 

hmmm look cute tho LOL but like my mum said " "Practice Makes Perfect

these actually too easy la but I've gone through a lot of trial and error to find what

 works and what doesn't.

tunic & short

pic below ni pulak dress yang i buat a couple of month ago i think masa ni 

hana just 6month young. 

Pattern for Dress ni i dapat from here siap ada tutorial lagi.

summer picnic dress

sewing ni memang best u can design watever pattern yang u nak. 

so hold on more dress / tunic / shorts / skrits for hana soon. 

ohh and of cos sewing for myself and my mom :P

May 16, 2013

cloud 9

why cloud nine?? chocolate? 

could nine?? sebab so excited nak gunting kain pokodot orange yellow tu untuk buat romper just like picture kat bawah ni, 

Cute kan romper. wish me luck :P kalau berjaya InshaAllah i postkan heheheh

but i nak buat sleeves version.

May 8, 2013

Wish list 2013

Syukur Alhamdulillah, Last month 26 april i finally bought my Brother 3034D home lock serger machine..yeahhhh my 1st 2013 wish list dah tercapai.

now kena la pandai buat time management tuk menjahit. so excited. 
i tengah nak cari meja tuk letak and arange my sewing machine. lecehla nak angkat nak kemas everytime nak menjahit. i kena cari one spot kat rumah tu untuk dibuat sewing corner. rasanya hana tak dapat capai juga kot, tau la sekarang ni hana dah duduk dalam walker semua tempat nak di discover. kalau dah ada spot tu senang la nak menjahit takde la asyik nak angkut 2 machine tu kat meja makan. baru la semangat menjahit sentiasa ada :P

April 26, 2013

love tis picture

i really love tis two pic of myLil hana 

with her Lola/grandmother.

with her papa last wednesday watching Chipmunks the movie :P

April 16, 2013

PadaNya ada hikmah..

My summary after reading tis book.

1. Sihat itu cuma rezeki, tetapi mati pulak adalah pasti.
semasa kita sihat dahulu kita tidak bersyukur dengan nikmat yang diberi oklh Allah. Mungkinjuga semasa kita sihat dahulu kita melupakan A;;ah. tetapi, Allah maha pengasih dan Dia tidak mau kita terus hanyut dalam dosa lalu dia turunkan peringatan,salah satu peringatan itu iaiah SAKIT.jadi dengan itu kita kena yakin yang peringatan itu juga satu rahmat.

2.Baca la Al-Quran, setidak tidaknya itu satu cara kita berusaha bagi menjaga hati supaya terus sihat.

3.Sakit apa pun memang akan mendekatkan kita kepada Allah, tetapi sakit tetap sakit. ia memang jangan ditakuti, tetapi ia perlu dihormati, jangan dicabar.

4. Apa bila kita melakukan suatu aktiviti,perkerjaan dan sebagainya adakah/pernah ke kita niatkan ia adalah suatu ibadah?

5. Mengapa kita begitu mahu terus hidup? kita hidup kerna mahu menjadi hamba Allah yang taat. kita hidup kerna mahu mendapat redha Allah dan semua itu bermula dengan menyenangkan serta mengembirakan hati kedua org tua kita iaitu ayah dan ibu.

6.Wajah sahaja belum cukup menggambarkan sama ada seseorang itu angkuh, kerna wajah boleh sahaja menipu.

4.sekiranya kita menghadapi musibah, jangan kita hadapinya sebagai seorg pekerja, jururawat,doktor dan sebagainya.tetpi kita berusaha la menghadapinya sebagai seorang Mukmin. bersabarlah, kalau hendak menangis, menangis dan merayu la diatas sejadah.panjatkan doa mohan belas kasihan dari Nya.

5. Amanah - setiap tubuh badan kita adalah amanah daripada Allah swt. oleh yang demikian kita kena la menjaga amanah tersebut.seperti menjaga kesihatan, mata , hati , tangan. Jangan la kita memganiaya diri kita sendiri.

6.Niat - segalanya bermula dengan nawaitu ataupun niat. sekiranya Niat kita betul maka betul la kejadianya. contoh- sekiranya kita dilanda penyakit kita kena la belajar berfikiran positif yang sakit itu akan sembuh. sama juga dalam kehidupan harian, jangan banyak sangat alasan, kerana alasan itu yang membezakan antara orang yang berjaya atau tidak.

7. Sayangi la ibu bapa kita selagi mereka masih ada didunia.

8. Setiap perbuatan pasti ada balasanya. oleh itu kita kena berbuat baik dengan semua orang terutamanya dengan ibu dan bapa kita. kita mesti layan orang tua kita dengan baik.sekiranya kita berbuat jahat dan tak menyayangi mereka kita juga akan dilayan seperti itu oleh anak anak kita. Bak kata orang putih " wat goes around comes around"

9.kita memang akan dapat apa yang kita jangkakan, kerana jangkaan itu sendiri adalah doa, dalam bahasa yang lebih mudah " kita akan dapat apa yang kita doakan" sentiasa bersangka baik dan mengeluarkan kata kata yang baik kerana apa yang kita lafazkan adalah suatu doa.

10. Kesimpulanya, walau apa pun yang kita lakukan mesti la kerna Allah swt. ikhlas dan tak mengharap apa apa balasan kerna setiap kelakuan kita baik ataupun buruk pasti akan mendapat balasan yang setimpal daripada Allah Swt. 


i am so excited nak buat felt craft for my'lilhana..yeala sekarang ni hana belum berapa pandai nak main kan but ok juga la i buat dari sekarang by the time da pandai main benda2 tu semua dah ada kan.

image image ni semua from google k. i belum buat lagi pun. insyAllah dalam masa 2 3 hari ni. at least i bole buat sebelah malam..lagipun senang ja kan jahit tangan. :) wish me luck and ada semangat nak buat.

April 15, 2013

Happy birthday to me..

actually we all kumpul ramai ramai and buat birthday celebration together. for those yg birthday on april la.. my causin welma 19 march ( if m not mistaken LOL) 
fadilin 6 apr 
me 14 apr

cepatnya masa berlalu kan now i dah 35 yrs young heheheeh..well alhamdulillah so gratefull for everything in mylife.. ada family yang best thanks & loving for my mother & father and my brother thanks  for having me and love me.. thanks to Allah swt for kurnia kan me Hana Azzalea my beautiful 7th month daughter.  
syukur sangat sangat..i've learn alot tis past few year..even tho my marriage jus bertahan for 4 month but so gratefull for the experience dugaan dan ujian yang Allah swt bagi. really membuka hati , minda dan pemikiran i. i banyak belajar sifar dan perangai manusia in just a blink of eyes.. in future  i akan lebih berhati hati dalam menilai perangai, hati dan sifat manusia. 

apa apa pun yang terjadi i sangat happy wif my life now..syukur alhamdulillah

March 27, 2013

she happy and of cos me more happier..

picture do speak thousand words right? LOL - mode malas nak type berjela jus tgk pic is enuf  :P

back @ home. so tired la mommy..

hmmm try and survey baby walker..but is it necessary?? still wondering tho

once recovered i bring her kai kai to city mall..

Alhamdulillah, finally rashes gone and she happier than more  crumpy baby   LOL

March 21, 2013

accidentally :(

i am happy coz my precious baby oldy recover from roseolla rashes but i am really sad coz i accidentally deleted photo on my hp.. :(

March 19, 2013

Ally d'elephant

Finally done sewing ally d'baby elephant for mylil hana. Actually can finish everything in just about 1 hour but because of my fiber out of stock so have to wait la. Glad tat i make it..proud of myself hihihi.

For those yang willing to try make one for your luv one or as a gift can
get printable free pattern from

But i've to warn u oals 1st reading her blog can become addicted..such a wonderful talented mother of 3 beautiful daughter. Wish i can follow her passion for fabric,craft and sewing..she sew most all of her daughter clothing.

March 18, 2013

Roseola infantum (ro-see-O-luh in-FAN-tum)

last week thursday my lil'hana fever ..tinggi jugak la..but after baik dari fever saturday tu timbul pulak bintik bintik merah kat badan hana. Mula mula risau juga bawa gi clinic doctor cakap because of heaty tu la keluar bintik bintik merah.. luckily its not 'Chicken pox' .

so i pun goggle about virus Roseola ni. info ada kat bawa ni. Apa apa pun hana still active playing with her toys. eating and drinking like before. i just not sure weather hana can take bath or not as for now i jus sponge bath only. when i asked around diorg cakap boleh kasi for chinese diorg suruh i mandikan dengan air rebusan wintermelon (alaaa buah kundur yg ada macam tepung putih and wangi tu)
apa apa pun semoga my Lilprecious cepat sembuh amin. 

so kalau ada sesiapa yang nak tau pasal Roseola ni bole baca kat bawa ni tak pun google je.


Roseola is a mild viral infection that affects babies and young children. The raised, red skin rash and high temperature can last from a few hours to five days. Roseola is caused by one of the viruses in the herpes group, but this virus can't cause other herpes infections, such as cold sores. The rash may be confused with measles or rubella.
Roseola infantum, more often referred to simply as roseola, is one of the very common mild viral illnesses that can cause a temperature and rash in babies and young children (aged between six months and three years).
Roseola develops around five to 15 days after contact and usually doesn’t cause problems for the child, although sometimes it can make the child feel unwell. The high temperature and fine, raised, red skin rash can last from a few hours to three to five days. Roseola is also known as sixth disease or exanthema subitum.

Symptoms of roseola

The symptoms include:
  • The child develops a high temperature of up to 40ºC (possibly higher), which usually lasts for a few hours, but may last three to five days.
  • As the temperature falls, a raised, red rash appears – first on the body and neck, and later on the face, arms and legs.
  • The rash lasts from a few hours to one or two days.
  • Roseola may also cause a fever without the rash.
  • Children with roseola recover fully, usually within a week.

Roseola is a member of the herpes family

Roseola is caused by one of the viruses in the herpes group, but this virus can’t cause other herpes infections, such as cold sores. It is not known how the virus is spread, although spread via saliva is suspected. Roseola is most infectious while the child is unwell – from the start of the fever and including the time before the rash appears. Most children have been in contact with this virus by the time they are three years old.

Treatment for roseola

Treatment for roseola includes:
  • Treat a fever over 38.5ºC with paracetamol, following dosage instructions for your child’s age and weight.
  • Offer the child lots of water and drinks.
  • It is best to keep any unwell child home from childcare or creche for two good reasons: the sick child needs extra attention, and the other children at the childcare centre or creche shouldn’t be exposed to the infection.

Complications of roseola

Roseola usually doesn’t cause any problems. Some of the complications may include:
  • The rash can sometimes be confused with measles or rubella.
  • Sometimes, roseola can lead to ear infections.
  • The major problem is the possibility of febrile convulsions (fits triggered by a high fever), as the child’s temperature may rise very quickly. They rarely cause any ongoing problems.
Other complications of roseola are very uncommon.

See your doctor

If you are concerned about your child, always see your doctor for information, advice and treatment. You should also see your doctor if you are pregnant and your child, or someone else who you are in close contact with, has a rash illness. This is to make sure that you are not at risk of rubella infection or parvovirus B19 infection, as these can be difficult to distinguish from roseola without laboratory tests.

Things to remember 

  • Roseola is one of the very common mild viral illnesses that affect children aged between six months and three years.
  • The fine, raised, red skin rash and high temperature can last from a few hours to three to five days.
  • The rash can sometimes be confused with measles or rubella.
  • The major problem that may occur as a result of roseola is the risk of febrile convulsions triggered by the fever.
  • Treatment options include plenty of fluids, paracetamol, rest and care at home. 

all information from Roseola_infantum

March 12, 2013

Good lil'princess wakes up every morning with a very very  beautiful makes my life worth living. Thank god for giving me a chance to become a mommy.

March 11, 2013

My angle

And then smiles uproariously...

February 15, 2013

1st project

Alhamdulillah, i manage to make pants for hana lastnite. actually sewing pants are the easiest! so
after this many more to excited sekarang ni.

February 14, 2013

1st step

February 8, 2013

Senantiasa Bersyukur kepadaNYA

Syukur Alhamdulillah terima kasih Ya Allah kerna menunaikan permintaanku..berkat kesabaranku selama ini akhirnya terjawab juga pada 7hb February 2013..after this memang lebih banyak cabaran, dugaan dan ujian yang bakal ditempuhi..Ya Allah ya Tuhanku bantu la aku dan bimbingla aku untuk wanita solehah dan ibu yang baik untuk anakku Hana Azzalea. Amin Ya rabbal alamin.

February 6, 2013

Sewing room inspirations

hmmm.. while i am not so cun seamstress but i do dream of a beautiful/comfortable sewing rooms where i will whip up all sorts of beautiful clothing and craft. tapi rasanya daydreaming jak la tu kan but who knows one day my dream come true..coz right now i'm crafting or do my sewing at my living room. lepas siap nak kemas lagi tu yg bikin malas tu. so kesimpulanya i realy need a space/room to sew..but problem sekarang ni my apartment tu kecik ja pun huhuhuhu. ;( where got space or room extra lagi.)

but nevermindla, here's a few of my inspiration. i don't think i will be able to achieve this unless i buy bigger house or else balik kampung tinggal kat my mom house. kat kampung boleh la extend buat sewing room :D inshaAllah one day dream will come true. 

ok semua pic kat bawa ni is my inspiration picture (image from google ya') i will keep saved in my inspiration bank for future use. 

tak sabar rasanya nak  gi beli serger machine

tis pic pun cute juga

Just nice and simple kan..
kalau macam ni la my sewing space mesti banyak baju yg terhasil  :P

yummy yellow

since i loovee to collect buttons, thought of this was a cute  way to display them.
adorable & easy to see what is in tat jar.

i mesti buat macam ni kalau ada space tu nanti.

and for the wall kaler i guees i will choose happy kaler like :-

yummy yellow




Baby Blue

Ngeeeee :) hopefully semua impian akan jadi kenyataan suatu hari nanti..InshaAllah..Amin

January 31, 2013

growing like a weed..

who??? my baby hana of coz..time flies so fast and she turn 4month 16days today..
by the way baby hana da bole tiarap and start eating solid food happy with her.

from the day she was born 13thSept2012 till now ..4 1/2 month old.

she make my life meaningfull and beautiful. so grateful for everything..Syukur alhamdulillah.

January 16, 2013


my pretty pretty wow..cant wait to balik rumah..mis her very much..

January 14, 2013


My precious ni bz dgn tangan. muka macam cina pun ada jugak kan :) 

alhamdulillah syukur..she 4th months old yesterday.growing up healthy, so fast the time flies but my court case tak juga selesai. tired and exhausted actually, tu blum masuk fed-up lagi. 
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