February 15, 2013

1st project

Alhamdulillah, i manage to make pants for hana lastnite. actually sewing pants are the easiest! so
after this many more to come.so excited sekarang ni.

February 14, 2013

1st step

February 8, 2013

Senantiasa Bersyukur kepadaNYA

Syukur Alhamdulillah terima kasih Ya Allah kerna menunaikan permintaanku..berkat kesabaranku selama ini akhirnya terjawab juga pada 7hb February 2013..after this memang lebih banyak cabaran, dugaan dan ujian yang bakal ditempuhi..Ya Allah ya Tuhanku bantu la aku dan bimbingla aku untuk wanita solehah dan ibu yang baik untuk anakku Hana Azzalea. Amin Ya rabbal alamin.

February 6, 2013

Sewing room inspirations

hmmm.. while i am not so cun seamstress but i do dream of a beautiful/comfortable sewing rooms where i will whip up all sorts of beautiful clothing and craft. tapi rasanya daydreaming jak la tu kan but who knows one day my dream come true..coz right now i'm crafting or do my sewing at my living room. lepas siap nak kemas lagi tu yg bikin malas tu. so kesimpulanya i realy need a space/room to sew..but problem sekarang ni my apartment tu kecik ja pun huhuhuhu. ;( where got space or room extra lagi.)

but nevermindla, here's a few of my inspiration. i don't think i will be able to achieve this unless i buy bigger house or else balik kampung tinggal kat my mom house. kat kampung boleh la extend buat sewing room :D inshaAllah one day dream will come true. 

ok semua pic kat bawa ni is my inspiration picture (image from google ya') i will keep saved in my inspiration bank for future use. 

tak sabar rasanya nak  gi beli serger machine

tis pic pun cute juga

Just nice and simple kan..
kalau macam ni la my sewing space mesti banyak baju yg terhasil  :P

yummy yellow

since i loovee to collect buttons, thought of this was a cute  way to display them.
adorable & easy to see what is in tat jar.

i mesti buat macam ni kalau ada space tu nanti.

and for the wall kaler i guees i will choose happy kaler like :-

yummy yellow




Baby Blue

Ngeeeee :) hopefully semua impian akan jadi kenyataan suatu hari nanti..InshaAllah..Amin
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