last week thursday my lil'hana fever ..tinggi jugak la..but after baik dari fever saturday tu timbul pulak bintik bintik merah kat badan hana. Mula mula risau juga bawa gi clinic doctor cakap because of heaty tu la keluar bintik bintik merah.. luckily its not 'Chicken pox' .
so i pun goggle about virus Roseola ni. info ada kat bawa ni. Apa apa pun hana still active playing with her toys. eating and drinking like before. i just not sure weather hana can take bath or not as for now i jus sponge bath only. when i asked around diorg cakap boleh kasi for chinese diorg suruh i mandikan dengan air rebusan wintermelon (alaaa buah kundur yg ada macam tepung putih and wangi tu)
apa apa pun semoga my Lilprecious cepat sembuh amin.
so kalau ada sesiapa yang nak tau pasal Roseola ni bole baca kat bawa ni tak pun google je.
Roseola is a mild viral infection that affects babies and
young children. The raised, red skin rash and high temperature can last
from a few hours to five days. Roseola is caused by one of the viruses
in the herpes group, but this virus can't cause other herpes infections,
such as cold sores. The rash may be confused with measles or rubella.
Roseola infantum, more often referred to simply as roseola, is one of
the very common mild viral illnesses that can cause a temperature and
rash in babies and young children (aged between six months and three
Roseola develops around five to 15 days after contact and usually
doesn’t cause problems for the child, although sometimes it can make the
child feel unwell. The high temperature and fine, raised, red skin rash
can last from a few hours to three to five days. Roseola is also known
as sixth disease or exanthema subitum.
Symptoms of roseola
The symptoms include:
- The child develops a high temperature of up to 40ºC (possibly
higher), which usually lasts for a few hours, but may last three to five
- As the temperature falls, a raised, red rash appears – first on the body and neck, and later on the face, arms and legs.
- The rash lasts from a few hours to one or two days.
- Roseola may also cause a fever without the rash.
- Children with roseola recover fully, usually within a week.
Roseola is a member of the herpes family
Roseola is caused by one of the viruses in the herpes group, but this
virus can’t cause other herpes infections, such as cold sores. It is not
known how the virus is spread, although spread via saliva is suspected.
Roseola is most infectious while the child is unwell – from the start
of the fever and including the time before the rash appears. Most
children have been in contact with this virus by the time they are three
years old.
Treatment for roseola
Treatment for roseola includes:
- Treat a fever over 38.5ºC with paracetamol, following dosage instructions for your child’s age and weight.
- Offer the child lots of water and drinks.
- It is best to keep any unwell child home from childcare or
creche for two good reasons: the sick child needs extra attention, and
the other children at the childcare centre or creche shouldn’t be
exposed to the infection.
Complications of roseola
Roseola usually doesn’t cause any problems. Some of the complications may include:
- The rash can sometimes be confused with measles or rubella.
- Sometimes, roseola can lead to ear infections.
- The major problem is the possibility of febrile convulsions
(fits triggered by a high fever), as the child’s temperature may rise
very quickly. They rarely cause any ongoing problems.
Other complications of roseola are very uncommon.
See your doctor
If you are concerned about your child, always see your doctor for
information, advice and treatment. You should also see your doctor if
you are pregnant and your child, or someone else who you are in close
contact with, has a rash illness. This is to make sure that you are not
at risk of rubella infection or parvovirus B19 infection, as these can
be difficult to distinguish from roseola without laboratory tests.
Things to remember
- Roseola is one of the very common mild viral illnesses that affect children aged between six months and three years.
- The fine, raised, red skin rash and high temperature can last from a few hours to three to five days.
- The rash can sometimes be confused with measles or rubella.
- The major problem that may occur as a result of roseola is the risk of febrile convulsions triggered by the fever.
- Treatment options include plenty of fluids, paracetamol, rest and care at home.
all information from Roseola_infantum