these few days hati tak senang, one simple thing like cari baju pun can make me stress. arrrghh tension betul la. rasa macam my brain goin to explode. last nite is the worst punya la panjang my text to him when he reply me with the simple letter "k" . fuyohhh really blow up my mind. really need to learn more how to control my anger and my stress level. now felt like less oxgyen in my head ;( ..i rememmber last time when i cant control my stress tetibe kena hypertension blood pressure pun high..hmmm nasib baik tak pengsan paling bahaya kalau ....nauzubillah.. dah la banyak benda lagi yang nak dipikirkan. macam macam la..i need to take a deep breath..1,2.3,4..realease..lega ckit.
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