last sunday me and aishah window shopping @ warisan square. winndow shopping a.k.a makan makan activity. (better i stay at home otherwise if am outside i keep eating huhuhu) my planning goin out tat sunday is bcoz i wanted to buy hair dryer.i dun need a hair dryer actually but only bought one anyway..hmmm
after penat jln2, i finally having my lunch @La manila -4pm tat evening.

i look tired and sleepy.. i think when i do my hair style like ths make me face look even smaller.watever la.

Ais batu campur @RM5.50 - aishah order .

ahhaaks..mee goreng indian @RM9. taste nice but alotsa veggie la.

i finish my meal!! well dont get me wrong cos half of the portion aishah yang makan hheheh.
so after lunch mesti la ada dessert rite?? since la manila punya dessert takde yang best kitorg pun pay d bill and heading to Secret recipe for my all time favourite Brownies with vanilla ice cream.

with sundae chocolate

dunno why i just cant gt enuff of the brownies with vanilla ice cream..temptation and so indulgence..

i kinda like warisan square cos for me one place for one roof ( hav makan2 place & bookstore) basically for me after makan2 mesti heading to bookstore..i love reading and of coz i love bookstore too. u can leave me thr for hours no problem punya la. me and my cus erna and of coz with her kids spending hours in bookstore alone compared to other shops

hehehe i candid aishah and din remember when she took mine hahaha. reading Nigella Lawson recipes book. i tell u if i can cook like her fuyohh must be awesome.. Opps i haven't cook for the BF yet la. seafood for d' BF..hmm mayb will find day/time after CNY tho.

wish i have alotsa of books and bookshef like ths at home. tat day planning to buy new book but aishah remind me of sumtin ( :P)
me: sha , i tot of buying ths book "eat , pray, love by Elizabeth Gilbert"
Aishah: tat day u bought 2 dah habis baca belum??
me: (giv her senyuman yg paling cute ni) hmm belum start pun..nvmindlakan i buy and keep it 1st..after finish d 2 books and i start reading new book.
aishah: dah la jgn membazir.
( nasib baik la ada cik kak ni kalau tak my house full of books dah la belum buat shelf lagi not to mentioned buku yang tak baca lagi ahaaks) wat to call tat 'book shopaholics' hey wat wrong with tat rite- reading is a good hobby la. :P
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