When i rasa sedey i suka sangat baca article drpd Wael Abdelgawad.
Yang ni article dia bertajuk :-
"If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it"
If Allah brings you to it, He will bring you through it. Whatever misfortune you have
experienced, let Allah show you the way out. Has your heart been broken? Have you
experienced disappointment and loss? Trying to figure out how to be happy again?
You need only three things: faith, hope and time.
Keep the faith alive in your heart, even if it’s just a spark. Hold on to your hope
for the future, even by the tips of your fingers. And let time pass… In time your
faith will blaze again, your hope will soar.So be patient, trust Him, thank Him,
and look for the light at the end of the tunnel. Hang in there. He will bring you through.
“Attach your heart to God and you will never be let down.” – Imam Zaid Shakir
“When I cry or lose or bruise, so long as I am still alive, nothing is ultimate. So long as
there is still a tomorrow, a next moment, there is hope, there is change,
there is redemption. What is lost, is not lost forever.” – Yasmin Mogahed
By Wael Abdelgawad
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