September 3, 2013

mengupdate post :p

its been a long time since i updated my blog..semangat je nak berblog tapi update malas.

Anyway macam biasa la picture means a thousand words.

1) 2013 Eid Mubarak
My 2013 Eid Mubarak wit Family

visiting my uncle but look at her takut orang :P

2) 1st attempt

ok ok when i 1st look at tis sugar cookies terus love at the 1st sight. picture ni taken from google

my 1st attempt sugar cookies..hmmm its turn out ok i mean the cookies but the royal icing not so la..
still need alotsa improvement

tis actually red velvet cupcake.. 1st attempt also but turn out my cuppie too dense
sumthing wrong somewhere but i dunno where :P

tis was my 2nd attempt baking red velvet cake using  recipe from here .
cake cukup moist , fluffy , airy and delicious . but just ignore the frosting part OK i still need
to learn how to
sapu the frosting hehehe.. overall my family and frens like it and i am superb happy

to be honest masa mem'baking tu memang la dunia rasa aman, hilang semua stress takde la asyik terpikirkan

perangai my bos yang datang angin kat opis tu. eventho everyday pun nak mengadap dia kan. so start from 

now on i akan membaking so tat my baking skills improve. jelez la tengok org org yg terrer membaking ni. 

at least kalau esok esok tak keja lagi bole buat sumthing wit baking ni kan. amin. rezeki tu rahsia Allah SWT 

yang penting kita buat and cari rezeki kerna Allah SWT.  sekarang ni pun dah masuk September mana tau 

during hana 1yr birthday i can bake sumthing for her kan :D


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